Residential Home InspectionsSkylight will provide you with a thorough inspection. An inspection protects your investment by exposing defects and other conditions of the property. This helps you with your decision to purchase. We are working in your best interest and will provide you with a full report about the condition of the property you are buying .
Pre-Listing Inspections
The 1-Year Warranty InspectionsWe highly recommend a 1 Year Warranty Inspection at around the 11th month after a new home’s construction. This is a home inspection intended to help you identify issues that may need to be addressed by the builder prior to the expiration of your 1 year builder’s warranty.
Single Component or follow-up Inspections If you need a professional inspection on any single system or component , or maybe a follow up to a prior inspection after repairs have been made, We can assist. Think you may have a water leak, or wonder if the repair man insulated as required? Contact us for special pricing.
Phase 1 /
A service you can rely on Expect nothing but the best from Skylight Home Inspections. We are here provide service at the highest possible level. Our desire is to deliver informative and trustworthy inspections to our clients. Breathe easy knowing you have a licensed professional at you side to identify possible deficiencies and safety issues. We take the guess work out buying a home.